The platform that reduces claims, conflicts, disputes, and litigation by
by structuring and centralizing decisions and communications for successful and optimized projects.

construction industry professionals: did you know that


Construction sites experience delays due to communication issues

leading to


An average increase in planned deadlines


Disputes caused by divergences in responsibilities or poorly coordinated decisions



The cost of a project due to legal and administrative costs caused by disputes


SMEs that have suffered delays and fail to retain their key clients

Caused by


Failures directly related to exchange and decision management issues

this is mainly due to

Non-standardized documents

Non-centralized data

Unstructured information

Informal exchanges

if you want to:


Your exchanges and facilitate access to key information through a collaborative platform that eliminates silos between emails, messaging, and other tools


Discussions and exchanges, even informal ones, and ensure that every critical point is documented to avoid misunderstandings


Based on updated data communicated effectively to prevent costly mistakes


Costly conflicts with structured documentation and transparent exchanges that build trust


The risk of errors with fact reconstruction and clear communication at every stage

the contracktime® platform is indispensable for you

Contracktime® is a SaaS platform that structures, standardizes, and centralizes decisions and exchanges between stakeholders in construction projects. Monitoring project execution in the construction sector is often a major source of frustration for the involved parties.

The loss of information is a recurring problem, exacerbated by scattered exchanges between emails, instant messaging, and various platforms, making it difficult to retrieve key information from overloaded discussion threads………..READ MORE >
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